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Visit the Moree Plains Community Directory

Moree, New South Wales

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Moree sits in the North West NSW and is the country's most productive agricultural area. Reliable rainfalls and rich productive soil result in high-quality grain and cotton crops. The landscape offers panoramic views of the countryside with paddocks of golden wheat, cotton crops, cattle farms and homestead gardens. Beneath the Moree Plains lies the Great Artesian Basin giving Moree the title of Australian Artesian Spa Capital. Discovered in 1895, the natural artesian hot springs are reputed to provide health and healing benefits, guaranteed to leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Experience tranquillity on the grassy banks of the Mehi River that meanders through the town. Enjoy bird watching or fishing under the shady canopies of river red gums or swim and picnic in its weirs. Visit its art galleries featuring contemporary Australian artists or take a guided tour of the largest Pecan Nut Farm, or cotton farm. Moree is also apart of the Great Artesian Drive and is an RV Friendly Town!

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