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Bookaar, Victoria

Local Services in Bookaar

Upcoming Events in Corangamite

Bookaar is a very private, yet public country place situated 10 minutes from Camperdown Vic. It has the most amazing wetlands and salt lake that dries out on occasion. It's recognised by the global Ramsar organisation as a unique place of significance. It's not a fishing or swimming lake, purely visual and for the wildlife.. The swans are abundant in October/November. The Old Bookaar schoolhouse has kept its 1940s look and is used by locals as a community place. Each July Creative About Bookaar Arts Collective exhibit there, and sell professional works of art, poetry and educational information based on Corangamite Shire. It is always a hugely successful event that educates, entertains and inspires everyone. We all learn so much about where we live, both historically and contemporary times.

* this description has been provided by a user in the community

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